4 Tips to Help your Kid Sit Still at Meals

4 Tips to Help your Kid Sit Still at Meals

Bring back the booster seat!

Tip #1

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If your child is under 3, I would highly recommend a strapped booster seat or even a high chair if they still fit in it appropriately. Most toddlers don’t have the attention span or interest in eating long enough to sit still, and you will be fighting a losing battle until you can start the meal in a strapped position.


Make sure there is a solid surface for their feet.

Tip #2

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If your toddler’s feet are dangling, they’ll feel unbalanced—which means more time trying to keep their body upright and balanced, and less time focused on their food. If there isn’t a ledge for their feet on the seat already, add something like a stool or a chair beneath them.


Get into the optimal sitting position.

Tip #3

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You will know that your child is seated in the best position if: – Their feet sit flat on the ground or another surface like a stool – Their hips, knees, and ankles are all at 90-degree angles


Help a kiddo out. Give them a fighting chance!

Tip #4

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If you’ve followed the previous suggestions and are still struggling with a kid who can’t stay seated for meals, ask yourself: How long are you expecting them to sit at the table? Have they had enough time for active play and physical activity? Are there clear boundaries and mealtime rules? Are they looking for attention?


Swipe up to see all the tips mentioned here, plus everything you need to know about helping your child sit still at mealtimes!
