6 Tips to Help You Gain Enough Weight During Pregnancy

Choose calorie-dense and nutrient-dense foods. Examples: nut butters, avocados, olive oil...

Tip #1

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If you have a small appetite, it’s crucial to make every bite count! That means you want to get the most nutrition (protein, vitamins, minerals etc.)in the foods you choose. Even if you get full quickly or have a small appetite, you know you took in some great nutrition.


Try smaller, more frequent meals.

Tip #2

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You may be turned off of larger portion sizes of foods, and eating might feel overwhelming if your plate is too full (which can actually decrease your appetite).  Instead, try having five or six smaller more snack-sized, lighter meals that aren’t so overwhelming. For example, instead of having a big spaghetti dinner, have a piece of French toast with Greek yogurt and berries.


Salads are great, but may be too low in calories for you!

Tip #3

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If you ARE craving salad, what can you add to it?  Maybe it means adding a tablespoon of dressing to your lettuce, and topping it with nuts, seeds, chickpeas, quinoa, avocado, or any other calorie-dense foods.


Energy-dense foods can be enjoyed as part of a balanced meal that includes protein, carbs and fat.

Tip #4

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I know what you’re thinking: “I need to eat more calories! I can have all of the ice cream I’ve ever wanted!” If only it were that easy! Yes, you need more calories. BUT. You also don’t need tons of added sugar. You want the calories to come from nutrient-dense foods.  Of course, you can enjoy ice cream mindfully, but please don’t get your day’s worth of calories from pint after pint of creamy goodness.


Nip nausea in the bud, first and foremost.

Tip #5

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– Keep a snack on your night table. Have a bite before bed and in the morning. – Avoid getting too hungry – that can lead to nausea.  – Don’t take your nutrition supplements on an empty stomach–make sure you combine with a meal or snack. – Try ginger. This age old-remedy is backed by science too. Try making tea with fresh ginger. You can use ginger in cooking and baking. Ginger snaps anyone? – Stay hydrated!

Bonus tips!


Notice food aversions in pregnancy.

Tip #6

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There may be certain smells or flavors that turn your stomach when you’re pregnant – and often they are foods you used to love.  Common food aversions are to strong flavors, such as garlic, onion, spice and coffee. If you can’t stand the taste or smell of certain foods, simply avoid them.  Know that it’s totally normal, it’s common, and it will pass!


Swipe up to see all the tips mentioned here, plus everything you need to know about pregnancy weight gain!
