Can Babies or Toddlers Overeat?  Find Out Here.

Can Babies or Toddlers Overeat?  Find Out Here.

If you’ve ever wondered whether it’s possible for your baby or toddler to overeat, you’re not alone. As a registered dietitian and nutritionist with a specialty in pregnancy, babies and kids, I’m asked this question all the time.

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Although it certainly is possible for a baby or toddler to overeat, it’s 100% something that as parents we can prevent. See, it’s our job to nurture our children’s natural instinct to eat intuitively. That’s right: our kids are born intuitive eaters! What that means is that, given the chance, babies and toddlers will almost always eat according to natural physical hunger and fullness cues.


This is a common question for both breastfed and bottle-fed babies. After all, babies don’t come with a manual that offers guidelines on exactly how much to feed. That’s why it’s SO important to learn about and practice responsive feeding.

So, what can you do?

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Swipe up to learn more about responsive feeding and how to nurture your child’s ability to eat the right amount for their body.
